Welcome to TEK School
About Us
TEK School is an IT training bootcamp that is especially designed for people who have no prior IT knowledge. Each of the courses we offer begins with teaching you the basics of IT, then the basics of the area you’ll be focusing on, and finally you’ll start learning the ins and outs of advanced IT skills.
At TEK School, you’ll join a small group of motivated students who benefit from extensive student support, free training materials and software support and tools. During the courses of the training, your teacher will assign you practical learning projects that will prepare you for the demands of your future IT Jobs.
At the end of your training, you’ll be able to complete assignments independently such that they resemble real world projects you will encounter in your role as an IT engineer.

Why choose us
Our training programs are designed to prepare students for the real work environment and make them skilled workforce with many capabilities.
Who we are
TEK School is a registered business with the U.S. government. We provide the next generation of information technology skills to transform the traditional workforce.
Our visions
Our vision is to deliver high quality training programs and be able to play a role in creating modern technical workforce.